How to Upload 60fps Videos on YouTube

If you’re a YouTube enthusiast, you’ll be excited to know that the platform now supports 60 frames per second (fps) videos. The update is a game-changer for video quality and enhances the viewing experience for both creators and viewers. So, how do you upload 60fps videos on YouTube? Let’s dive into it.

Firstly, ensure that your device records in 60fps or higher. If you use a device that doesn’t support 60fps recording, you may have to upgrade your equipment. Once you have your raw video file, upload it to YouTube and make sure to set the output to 720p or higher.

To check if a video is 60fps, right-click on the video and select “Properties.” Then go to “Details,” and you should see “60 frames per second” in the output. However, if you have Sony Vegas, changing the frame rate is all you need to do.

When you upload the video to YouTube, ensure that it’s at least 720p or higher. Once the video is uploaded, go to the settings tab and ensure that the 720p or higher quality is enabled. Finally, go to fullscreen mode, and you’ll see the 60fps animation in all its glory.

In conclusion, uploading 60fps videos on YouTube is a simple process that enhances the viewing experience for your audience. Ensure that you record using a device that supports 60fps or higher, upload the video to YouTube with 720p or higher quality and enable the 720p or higher quality settings. Once you’ve done that, sit back, relax, and enjoy the stunning visuals.