How to Upgrade Laptop CPU: A Comprehensive Guide

Laptops have become an essential part of our daily lives. However, as technology evolves, we often find ourselves needing more power and speed from our laptops. One of the most common ways to achieve this is by upgrading the laptop’s CPU. In this article, we’ll discuss laptop upgrades and explore the different options available.

Before we dive into the upgrades, it’s important to note that different laptop models have different upgrade options. Some may only allow you to upgrade the disk, while others may allow you to upgrade the RAM and graphics. It all depends on the particular laptop that you have. Therefore, before buying any new hardware, you should check the manufacturer’s website to see what’s possible and supported.

If you know what you’re doing, by all means, go ahead and open up your laptop and take a look around. However, you should first check what other CPUs are supported by the motherboard as it may not have been designed to support a wide range. Some laptops may also allow you to upgrade the graphics card as well, but it’s usually more likely than a CPU upgrade.

Upgrading the RAM is a pretty common upgrade path for a laptop. Some models may have the RAM soldered to the board, but for most that we’ve seen, you can take it out and replace it with larger modules as long as the board supports them. To check how many RAM slots are in use, you can easily do so through task manager by selecting memory. This way, you don’t even have to open the laptop up.

If you want to upgrade the drive, you can either swap out whatever disk is currently in the laptop with one of a larger size, or if you have spare drive bays or slots available, you can simply add an additional drive in. You’ll either need to first copy the data over to the new disk or install a fresh operating system if you’re swapping out the primary disk running your operating system.

In the laptop that we’ve got here, we’re upgrading from 16 gigabytes to 32 gigabytes of RAM and adding a 500 gigabyte Samsung 850 Evo SSD. This laptop’s CPU and GPU aren’t upgradable, but we’ve easily been able to add in a new SSD and double the RAM with minimal effort, allowing us to get better performance and more life out of a two-year-old laptop.

In conclusion, upgrading your laptop’s CPU is possible, but it all depends on the specific laptop you have. Upgradability is definitely worth considering if you’re looking to buy a new laptop. You can easily upgrade the RAM and the drive to get better performance and more life out of your laptop. So, before you decide to buy a new laptop, consider upgrading your current one.