How to Update Your Yahoo Password on iPhone

If you are using Yahoo Mail on your iPhone and want to change your password, then this guide is for you. Changing your password on Yahoo Mail is a straightforward process, and you can do it in just a few steps.

Firstly, open up your Yahoo Mail app. Once you are on the inbox setting, tap on the icon on the top left corner. Then, scroll down and tap on “Settings.” From there, tap on “Manage Accounts” under “Accounts and Security” and then tap on the account information of the account that you’d like to change the password for.

Under “Account Security,” you will see different options. Choose “Security Settings,” and you will be taken to an interface where you can see that a certain password has been enabled. On the right side, you will see an option that says “Change Password.” Tap on it, then tap on “Continue” and “Send Me a Notification.”

Confirm that you want Yahoo Mail to send you a notification in order to secure your account with Yahoo Account Key. Tap on “Yes” to sign in, and you will receive an option that is to either use Yahoo Account Key or to change your password instead. If you’d like to change your password, tap on “Change My Password Instead” and type in your new password.

After typing in your new password, tap on “Continue,” and your password will have been changed. That’s it! You have successfully updated your Yahoo password on your iPhone.

In conclusion, updating your Yahoo password on your iPhone is a quick and easy process. Just follow the steps outlined above, and you’ll be done in no time. Remember to keep your password secure and change it regularly to protect your account from unauthorized access.