How to Type Bullet Points on Mac

How to Type a Bullet Point on a Mac Open the document and place the insertion pointer where you need a bullet point. On the keyboard, hold the Option key and type 8. Repeat for the second bullet and continue.

If you are working on a Word document on your Mac and want to make it more organized, bullet points can be your best friend. But how do you add bullet points on a Mac? It’s actually pretty easy!

First, select all the words that you want to bullet point. Then, click on the symbol that says “bullet points”. If you want to change the style of your bullet points, you can click on the drop down menu and choose a different shape or style.

But what if you don’t like any of the options available? Not to worry! You can always define a new bullet point by clicking on “define new bullet point”. Here, you can choose from a wide variety of symbols to use as your bullet points.

If you want to place bullet points side by side, you can create a table. Click on the “insert” tab and select the option for a table. Choose the number of rows and columns you want (for example, three by one). Then, type what you want inside the cells of the table and adjust the distance between the words as necessary.

Once you’ve done that, select everything and click on the bullet point button to give the bullet points to the words. To remove the outer border of the table, click on the small square and go to “table properties” and select “none” for the border option.

And that’s it! Adding bullet points on a Mac is simple and easy. With just a few clicks, you can make your Word document more organized and visually appealing.

Don’t forget to give this article a thumbs up if it was helpful to you. And while you’re at it, check out some of our other useful tutorials!


How to do a bullet point Mac?
Answers (1) You can easily type a bullet point (•) on Mac by pressing Option 8 on your keyboard.
What is the shortcut for bullet point in Word for Mac?
For Mac Word, to insert bullet press "Command-Shift-L".
What is the keyboard shortcut for a bullet?
Tips: You can use a keyboard shortcut to create a bulleted list or a numbered list. To create a bulleted list, type * (asterisk), and then press Spacebar or the Tab key.