How to Turn Your iPhone into a 3D Hologram

Have you ever wanted to make your own hologram? Surprisingly, it’s actually a lot simpler than you may think! In order to turn your iPhone into a 3D hologram, all you need is some graph paper, an old CD case, tape, a pen, a pair of scissors, a smartphone, and a knife or glass cutter.

First, you’ll need to draw out a basic rhombus shape on the graph paper. Try to get your dimensions as close to 1cm x 3.5cm x 6cm as possible. While you can always double or triple these dimensions for a nicer effect, we’ll be going with this size for ease of use.

Next, take off the sides of the CD case that will get in the way. Ideally, you’ll want a plastic case, but a glass one will also work if you’re careful. The higher the transparency, the better the image will come through, but it doesn’t matter if it’s old and dusty as long as you give it a good clean and make sure there aren’t too many scratches.

Using a scalpel, knife, or glass cutter, trace around the template very carefully. Once you’ve cut your first hologram out, you can use that as a template for the others. Fasten them together using tape. It may be tempting to use glue, but it won’t hold up as well in the long run.

Now comes the fun part! Load up a hologram specific video on your smartphone from either YouTube or your internet browser. You can find links to a few in the video description. Very carefully place the hologram that you’ve made onto the middle of your smartphone, turn off all the lights, and enjoy! You’ll get a full 360 degrees of vision.

While the clearer the plastic or glass you use, the nicer the picture will be, it’s important to remember that this is just a fun DIY project. Don’t worry too much about getting everything perfect – it’ll still be incredibly cool regardless!

So go ahead and give it a try. With just a few simple materials, you can turn your iPhone into a 3D hologram and impress your friends and family with your newfound knowledge!