How to Turn Sleep Off on Apple Watch

If you’re one of those people who likes to track their sleep with an Apple Watch, you might want to know how to turn that feature off when you don’t need it. Turning off the sleep mode on Apple Watch, also known as the Bedtime feature, is an easy process that can be done in a few steps.

Before you start, it’s important to know that once you activate the sleep mode feature on your Apple Watch, it will stop all notifications, turn off the display, and disable touch while you’re asleep. This is meant to prevent interruptions and distractions while you’re trying to get some rest.

To turn off the sleep mode feature, first, grab your Apple Watch and find the Sleep mode feature. You can find it on the screen as a bait-looking icon or in your settings by scrolling down to the application. Once you find it, open the Sleep mode feature and customize it by scheduling the time you want it to be turned off. You can choose every day or specific days you want to schedule.

After you set your schedule, you can control which notifications you want to receive and which ones you don’t on your iPhone by using the Focus feature. To do this, go to your iPhone Settings, tap on Focus, then select Sleep and customize it. Choose the people or apps you want to receive notifications from during your bedtime.

If you want to remove the schedule, all you have to do is open the Bedtime application on your Apple Watch, choose your time, and scroll down to find the option called “delete schedule.” By deleting your schedule, all your schedules will be deleted from your Apple Watch, and your bedtime feature will no longer work.

In conclusion, turning off the sleep mode feature on Apple Watch can be done in a few simple steps. While this feature is useful, it’s not always needed and can be turned off when it’s not necessary.