How to Turn Off Router WiFi: A Step-by-Step Guide

Some routers have a physical button that turns off the Wi-Fi. If your router does, press it to shut down the wireless signal immediately. If that's not how your router is built, access your router's administrative console to turn off Wi-Fi .

If you have recently acquired a new router that can broadcast your WiFi network, then you might want to disable the WiFi network on your stock modem router. This is because having multiple WiFi networks in your home or environment can cause interference and affect your internet speed. In this article, we will guide you on how to disable the WLAN or WiFi network on your stock modem router.

For this guide, we will be using the Ecolite HG8245 modem router that came from Converge Internet Service Provider. The first step is to access the web interface of your modem router. Log in to your account by using “root” as your account name and “secret” as your password.

Once you have successfully logged in, go to the wireless local area network of your modem router. Check the 2.4G basic network settings and 5G basic network settings. The 2.4G is the 2.4 GHz frequency of your stock modem router.

Under the 2.4G basic network settings, you will see “Enable SSID [brackets] and SSID.” To disable the WiFi network of your 2.4G frequency, uncheck the “Enable SSID” box. This will disable the WiFi network of your 2.4G frequency, and you won’t be able to access the WiFi SSID of your stock modem router.

Next, check the convergence 5 as your 5GHz frequency, and disable it as well. By unchecking the “Enable WLAN” box, the frequency will be disabled entirely, and you won’t be able to connect to the WiFi SSID of your stock modem router.

Once you have disabled the WiFi network of both frequencies, refresh your web page and check if you can still see them on your WiFi network. If they are no longer visible, then you have successfully disabled the WiFi network of your stock modem router.

In conclusion, disabling the WiFi network of your stock modem router can help you avoid interference and improve your internet speed. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment below. And that’s it for our guide on how to turn off router WiFi.


How do I safely turn off my router?
Unplug the router first, then unplug the modem. Neither of them have power buttons, so it's a matter of pulling the power cord out of the back of the modem or router. Leave the devices unplugged for 30 seconds, then plug the modem back in followed by the router.