How to Turn off Firmware Password on Mac: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you have a firmware password set up on your Mac and want to remove it, you might be wondering how to do so. The process might seem complicated, but it’s actually relatively simple if you follow the steps below.

Firstly, you’ll need to remove the RAM from your computer. This is because removing the RAM amount allows you to reset the PRAM, which is necessary for removing the firmware password. Once you have removed the RAM, replace it with a one-gigabyte stick, and disconnect the power.

Next, press the power button and choose the option command option P and R. Hold these buttons until you hear the chime sound three times. After the third chime, let go of the buttons and press the power button to turn the computer back on.

When the computer boots up, press the option key to see the boot options. If you see the boot options, this means that the firmware password has been successfully removed.

Finally, remember to put your original sticks of RAM back into your computer. It’s essential to do this because running your computer with only one gigabyte of RAM will make it run slowly.

Removing the firmware password on your Mac is as simple as that. By following the steps outlined above, you’ll be able to turn off the firmware password on your Mac without any difficulty.

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