How to Turn Off Fast Boot in BIOS for a Smoother Performance

Fast boot is a feature in Windows 8 and 10 that makes a quick restart possible by saving some of the kernel data to a hyper file. While this feature can reduce the boot time of your PC, it can also cause issues with virtualization, Linux systems, or Windows updates. If you’re experiencing problems with your system due to fast boot, it’s time to disable it.

Here’s how you can turn off fast boot in BIOS for a smoother performance:

1. Check if it’s enabled: You can know if fast boot is enabled on your computer by checking the uptime of the CPU in the task manager. If your system uptime is high even after a cold boot, then fast boot is enabled.

2. Go to the Control Panel: Type in “Control Panel” in the search bar or access it from the start menu.

3. Access Power Options: In the Control Panel, go to “Hardware and Sound” and then click on “Power Options.”

4. Change Shutdown Settings: In Power Options, click on “Choose what power buttons do.” Here, you’ll find the “Turn on fast startup” option, which will be greyed out.

5. Make Changes: Click on the “Change settings that are currently unavailable” button. This will let you turn off the fast startup feature by unchecking the checkbox. Save changes, and you’re good to go.

By disabling fast boot, your PC will start fresh with a new kernel every time you boot up. This will help in installing updates and running virtualization without any issues.

In conclusion, fast boot might seem like a good feature for a quick start, but it can hinder the performance of your PC. Disabling it will ensure a smoother performance and better compatibility with various systems.