How to Turn a Router into a WiFi Adapter

If you don’t have a WiFi receiver, you can easily convert your WiFi router into a WiFi receiver. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of turning your router into an adapter.

First, you need to open the router settings. In most cases, the default address is Type in the default username and password, and then click on sign in. Now, click on Wireless and enable “WDS bridging”.

Next, click on survey, and it will scan all the wireless networks in the range. Select the second router to connect with your router. If the other router doesn’t have a password, just click on save. But if the password is enabled for the second router, you have to enter the password. To do this, click on the key menu and select WPA/PSK, and type the password in the password field.

If you just want to connect with the other router and don’t want to broadcast WiFi, uncheck “Enable SSID BROADCAST”. But if you are planning to broadcast after making a connection from your router, click on “Enable SSID Broadcast”, and then type the name of the new connection. Now, go to wireless security and click on the radio button of WPA/WPA2. Type any password you would like and click on save.

Our next step is to disable DHCP. Click on DHCP, and then click on disable. Then go to network settings and select LAN. Here, we have to change the default IP address to avoid any IP address conflict. In case the other router has the same IP address, you can specify any address between the range of 1-200. Let’s suppose you type 198, and then click on save.

As you click on save, the router will restart. Remember, now we can’t access the setting page with the new address or old address. Even if you try, the setting page will not open. Now, our setting is the other router setting page, whatever it will be. In this case, the router IP address is because we have changed it.

In this way, you can make your WiFi router a WiFi receiver. Test the new connection we made on our router, and you can connect your smartphone with a PC through screen casting. You can now use the internet and test the connection with YouTube or browsing a website.

We hope you found this tutorial helpful.