How to Track Weightlifting on Apple Watch

If you’re someone who is looking to improve your weightlifting routine, you may want to consider incorporating an Apple Watch into your workout. In this article, we’ll show you how Peter Szpakowski, founder of Make an Impact, uses his Apple Watch to track his weightlifting progress.

Peter follows a time under tension philosophy, which requires him to put his muscles under a certain amount of tension during each set. He likes to focus on hitting that sweet spot of around 42-45 seconds of time under tension, which research has shown to be the optimal range for building muscle.

To track his workouts, Peter uses the Exercise app on his Apple Watch Series 2. However, he doesn’t simply start and stop the app for every exercise. Instead, he sets a custom timer for each set to ensure he hits his desired time under tension.

Here’s how Peter does it:

1. Open the Exercise app and select “Strength Training”.

2. Tap “Custom” and set the timer for at least 42 seconds (Peter typically uses 45 seconds).

3. Start the timer and begin your set. The app will switch back to the Exercise screen but will vibrate to let you know when your set is complete.

4. Tap “Repeat” to start your rest period (Peter likes to rest for 45 seconds between sets).

5. When the timer goes off, start your next set and repeat the process.

Peter also emphasizes the importance of focusing on the time under tension during each set. He takes about one second to lift the weight, holds it for one or two counts in the flex position, and then takes three to six seconds to lower the weight during the negative movement.

By using his Apple Watch to track his weightlifting progress, Peter is able to ensure that he hits his desired time under tension for each set. Plus, the vibration alert keeps him on track even if he gets distracted by someone interrupting his workout.

If you’re looking for a way to level up your weightlifting routine, consider trying out Peter’s method with your own Apple Watch.