How to Track an Android Phone from an iPhone for Free

Tracking a phone is often associated with negative connotations like catching a cheating partner. However, there are many legitimate reasons for tracking a phone, such as ensuring the safety of loved ones, especially during road trips, or keeping a watchful eye on a first date. Fortunately, tracking an Android phone from an iPhone is incredibly easy and free of charge.

The best part is, there is no need to install any software. All you need to do is use a feature that is built into an app that comes pre-installed on Android phones and most iPhones. With this method, you can track multiple phones from your device or computer.

To get started, click on the icon at the top, select location sharing, and choose how long you want to allow the phone to be tracked. You can also choose who is allowed to see the location by selecting it from the list or using one of your contacts.

Once set up, you can check the location of the phone by going to There, you’ll see markers indicating the location of the phones you’re currently tracking. Hovering over a marker will show the person’s name and address, and clicking on it will give you the percentage of battery life that the device has left.

If you’re worried that someone might have set up tracking on your phone without your knowledge, don’t worry. Checking if someone has put this on your phone is simple: click on the icon at the top, select location sharing and look for a card at the bottom with a name you don’t recognize. Click on that, then click on the stop button, the three little dots, and then remove.

The only drawback of this method is that the person whose phone is being tracked is never notified. This means that someone with ill intent could easily get access to the physical phone and set themselves up to track you. Although Google does send an email reminding you that you are sharing your location, it’s easy to ignore or delete it.

It’s not just Google Maps that has this feature. Many apps, such as Snapchat, WhatsApp, and Find My Friends on iPhones, allow you to share your location with your family and friends. It’s essential to check the apps on your phone that have location-sharing capabilities and ensure that you’re comfortable with who can track your movements.

In conclusion, tracking a phone is all about security and peace of mind. Although it can be used for evil, it’s ultimately a tool that can be used for good. So, make sure you’re using it responsibly and safely.