How to Take Aura Photos with Your Android Phone

Have you ever wondered about the energy that surrounds a person’s body? Aura photography is a way to translate those auras into the physical world. With special equipment, you can record and display the electromagnetic energy that comes off a person’s body and transform those readings into a colorful portrait. But did you know that you can capture somebody’s aura using standard digital and video cameras, such as your Android phone?

To take an aura photo, you need to place your palms on a pair of metal plates which are connected to your phone’s camera. When you hit the shutter button, the plates send information about your energy to the camera. It takes about 10 seconds to photograph an aura, and an attached data box converts the energy readings into frequencies that correspond to certain colors.

The first exposure of two seconds makes a straight portrait, then based on the biofeedback data returned to the camera, a second exposure of six to eight seconds superimposes the color clouds. This is how the colorful portrait of your aura is captured.

Doctors refer to the warning of an oncoming migraine as an aura. It can manifest as music, swirling colors, a memory, a sense of impending doom, a smell or taste, rising nausea, or an intense sensation of déjà vu. Aura photography helps you see the energy that surrounds a person’s body and may provide insight into their physical and emotional well-being.

In conclusion, taking aura photos with your Android phone is possible and doesn’t require any special equipment. All you need is a pair of metal plates and the camera on your phone. Give it a try and explore the energy that surrounds you and those around you.