How to Tag Someone on Twitter

Twitter is a popular social media platform that allows users to communicate with each other through tweets. If you’re new to Twitter, you may be wondering how to tag someone in a tweet. In this tutorial, we will guide you through the process of tagging someone on Twitter.

First, make sure you have the Twitter app downloaded on your phone. You can find it on the Play Store if you’re using an Android device or the App Store if you’re using an iPhone. Once downloaded, sign in to your account.

After launching the app, you’ll be directed to the home screen. To tag someone on Twitter, you’ll need to create a new tweet. To do so, click on the plus icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen. You’ll be given the option to add a photo, GIF, tweet, or space.

Once you’ve selected the tweet option, you can begin typing your tweet. To tag someone, simply type “@” followed by their username. For example, if you wanted to tag Elon Musk, you would type “@elonmusk”. You can then continue typing your tweet.

If the tag turns blue, it means you have successfully tagged the person. Once you’ve finished typing your tweet, you can post it by clicking on the Tweet button.

If the person you tagged has notifications turned on, they will receive a notification that they’ve been tagged in a tweet. They can then click on the notification to view the tweet.

And that’s it! Now you know how to tag someone on Twitter. Happy tweeting!