How to Spam Messages on iPhone Shortcut

Do you want to prank your friends by spamming their phones with text messages? With the Siri Shortcuts application, it’s possible to send 100 or more text messages in just one second. In this article, we will show you how to create a Siri shortcut that can accomplish this.

First, make sure that the Siri Shortcuts application is downloaded on your iPhone. If not, open the App Store and search for it. Once downloaded, open the app and tap on the plus sign located on the top right. Next, open the Messages app and send a message to someone to serve as your victim. For example, you can send a message to your friend Oscar with the text “subscribe to Saunders Tech.”

After sending the message, open the Siri Shortcuts application again and tap on the search icon. Type in “message” and select the message that you have just sent. Drag and drop it into the workflow area. Make sure the “Show and Run” option is disabled.

Next, tap on “Text” and search for “input.” Select “Ask for Input” and ask the user how many times the message should be sent. For example, if you want to send 100 messages, enter “100.” Then, search for “repeat” and tap on it. Select “magic variable” and choose “text.” This will repeat the message for the number of times you have asked.

To activate the shortcut, tap on the control center icon and change the name to something that you can easily say to Siri. For instance, you can say “spam” and the name of the person you want to spam, like “spam Oscar.” Tap on “Done” and then “Add to Siri.” Say “spam Oscar” to activate the shortcut.

Once activated, Siri will ask you how many messages you want to send. For instance, if you say “150,” the shortcut will start sending out the message to Oscar 150 times. You can also run the shortcut manually by tapping the “Run” button in the Siri Shortcuts application.

It’s important to note that this prank can be considered harmful, so use it with caution and only on people who won’t mind receiving a lot of text messages.