How to Show the Path Bar in Mac Finder

Show the path to a file or folder On your Mac, click the Finder icon in the Dock to open a Finder window. Choose View >, Show Path Bar, or press the Option key to show the path bar momentarily. The location and nested folders that contain your file or folder are displayed near the bottom of the Finder window.

Navigating your file system is an essential task when using a computer, and knowing where you are is crucial, especially for developers. However, with the default settings, Mac Finder does not show the path bar, making it challenging to know precisely which directories your files are inside. In this article, we’ll show you how to enable the path bar in Mac Finder so that you can always see exactly where you are relative to your computer’s root directory or home directory.

First, open your terminal. If you don’t have it in your dock, you can use Spotlight search by pressing command + spacebar and typing “term” to find and open it.

Enter this command: defaults write ShowPathbar -bool true

This command overwrites the default settings of Mac Finder, enabling the path bar to show. The boolean value “true” indicates that we want to show the path bar tool.

After entering the command, it won’t show up yet. You need to kill all Finder windows. To do this, type “killall Finder” (with a capital “F”) and press enter. Note that this will temporarily close all Finder windows you have open.

Now, when you open Mac Finder and navigate your file system, you’ll see the path bar at the bottom. It shows your current location relative to your computer’s hard drive, which is helpful when you have folders with the same or similar names.

Enabling the path bar in Mac Finder is a simple but effective way to make navigating your file system more manageable. You can always see exactly where you are and avoid any confusion when searching for and accessing files. We hope this article has been helpful. Let us know in the comments section below.


What is the shortcut to open path in Mac Finder?
Show or hide the path bar in the Finder If you want to hide or show it, hit Command + Option + P.
How do you copy the file path from Finder on a Mac?
Copying File Paths from the Mac Finder Right-click (or Control+Click, or a Two-Finger click on trackpads) on the file or folder in the Mac Finder. While in the right-click menu, hold down the OPTION key to reveal the “Copy (item name) as Pathname” option, it replaces the standard Copy option.