How to Set a Charging Animation on iPhone

Are you tired of the same old charging animation on your iPhone? Do you want to add some customization to your device? Well, look no further because we have the solution for you.

With the latest iOS 14 update, you can now set a custom charging animation on your iPhone. In this post, we will guide you through the process of setting up a charging animation.

Firstly, you need to head over to the App Store and download the “Charger Play” app. You can also use the “Charging Animation” app, but we recommend “Charger Play” for a smoother experience with fewer ads.

Once you have downloaded the app, open the “Shortcuts” app, and hit “Automation.” Click on the plus button to create a new personal automation and scroll down to find “Charger.” Make sure to check off the “is connected” option and hit “Next.”

Then, click on “Action” and find the “Charger Play” app that you just installed. Choose the animation of your liking and hit “Setup.” You can also remove any sounds that you don’t like.

Finally, plug in your phone, and you should see the new charging animation in action.

That’s it! You have successfully set up a custom charging animation on your iPhone. Say goodbye to the boring old charging screen and add some fun and personal touch to your device.

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