How to send from an alias in Gmail

Sending emails from multiple email addresses is now possible with Gmail. You can send emails from non-Gmail addresses or other Google Workspace accounts or aliases using Gmail. Here’s how you can do it:

First, access your Gmail interface at Then, go to the settings gear icon on the top right and click on “CL settings.” Once the setting page loads, go to the accounts tab in the “send mail adds” section. Then, go to “add another email address” and enter your name and the email address that you want to send emails from.

As this new email will be treated as an alias, you can check the implications of this action by clicking on the “learn more” hyperlink. Then, click “Next Step” and make sure that your admin has enabled the right functionality so you can add the SMTP servers.

Once enabled, you will be able to fully add the details of the corresponding email servers you want to connect to. Use “send mail s” for Google Workspace accounts. The SMTP server will be, and the port number will be 587. This will vary for other email services. Enter the username, which is the full email address you previously added and add the password. Finally, click “add account” to confirm the address.

Sign in to the account you added and open the confirmation message you got from Gmail and click the link. Once you open the link, click and confirm. Congratulations! You have successfully added the additional account to send emails from it.

To send emails from a Google Group address, we will need to delegate a group and change posting permissions. Go to the Google Groups interface at and click on “my groups” on the left. Then, go to the gear icon next to the group you want to use and click on the gear icon. If you do not have the right permissions, please contact the group owner to proceed.

On the left panel under “group settings,” select “General” and scroll down to find a setting “who can post.” Then, change it to “anyone on the web” and save changes. Note that making this change will allow everyone on the web to post on the group, even though they do not belong to the group.

Afterwards, you must delegate the group to another user so the verification email is received and approved. Go to the “people” section and then “members” on the left panel and under row change the role of a member to “owner.”

For more help, check out the “send emails from a different address or Alias” page in your Gmail help center.