How to Send an Invoice on PayPal: A Step-by-Step Guide for Freelancers

As a freelancer, sending invoices is a crucial part of getting paid for your services. One of the most popular payment platforms for freelancers is PayPal. In this article, we’ll go through the steps of how to send an invoice on PayPal, updated for 2022.

First, log in to your PayPal account. From there, you have two options to create an invoice: you can click on “invoicing” under Quick Links, or you can click “Pay and get paid” and then “Create and manage invoices.” Once you’re in the invoice creator, click “Create Invoice.”

Next, under “Bill To,” enter your client’s email address or name. If you don’t have an email address, just put in a name and send the link to the client so they can pay it directly. Under “Item Name,” type in the name of your service, such as “voiceover,” and then enter the amount your client needs to pay. If you have multiple items, you can add them and their prices as well.

In the “More Options” section, you can add an attachment, a memo to yourself, and even allow partial payments until the invoice is paid in full. You can also give your client the option to give you a tip. Make sure to set your currency to the correct one for your invoice.

Once you’ve filled in all the necessary information, click “Preview” to see what your invoice will look like for the client. If you need to make any changes, click “Edit Invoice.” When you’re ready to send, click “Send,” or click “Share link to invoice” if you want to send the link to your client directly.

When your client receives the link, they will be able to see the invoice and pay with any credit card or their PayPal balance. If you need to add shipping, you can do so in the same section as the bill.

And that’s it! Sending an invoice on PayPal is a simple and efficient way to get paid for your freelance services.