How to Search Multiple Values in Excel

Are you struggling to search a large number of data with multiple values in Excel? If so, you’re not alone. Searching for specific information in large data sets can be time-consuming and frustrating. Fortunately, there is a simple formula that can help you get the required results quickly and easily.

Let’s say you have a data set of candidates who have applied for a job. You want to find computer operators who have more than four years of experience, live in Jaipur, and earn less than 30,000. By using a simple formula, you can get the results you need. The formula will show “yes” for positive results and “no” for negative results.

If you change the location from Jaipur to Delhi in your search query, the search results will automatically change. For large data sets, you can use a filter to make a list of all the positive results.

To use the formula, type “=” in the search bar, then select the required searching post. Log the cell by pressing F4, and press “equal to” to select the cell from which you want to search. Type a comma and select the required experience cell. Log the cell by pressing F4, press the less than icon, and select the cell from which you want to search for experience. Press comma, select the required city cell, press “equal to,” and select the cell from which you want to search for city. Press comma, select the required salary cell, press F4 to lock the cell, and press the greater than sign. Select the cell from which you want to search for the salary, and close the bracket. Press comma, under column type “yes,” press comma, under column press “no,” and close the bracket. Press enter, and drag the formula to your complete list.

By using this simple formula, you can easily search multiple values from your large Excel data. If you follow these steps, you’ll be able to find the information you need quickly and efficiently.