How to Search for All Video Files on Your Windows 10 System

Are you having trouble finding all of your video files on your Windows 10 system? Maybe you’ve saved them in different directories and can’t seem to locate them all. Worry not, as there is a simple way to search for all video files on your computer.

In the past, on Windows XP, you would hit the F3 button and a little dog would appear to help you search for files. While the F3 button still works on Windows 10, the dog is gone. Instead, you can use the magnifying glass icon located at the top right of your screen or hit the F3 button to open up a cursor.

Once you have the search bar open, you can enter specific search terms, such as “kind:videos” or “kind:video” to search for all video files on your system, including MP4, AVI, or WMV files. The search function will scan through all of your subdirectories, making it easy to consolidate and organize all of your video files.

You can also use this search function to find other file types, such as pictures or music, by using the “kind:” command followed by the specific file type you are looking for.

Whether you need to consolidate your video files or simply want to locate a particular video, this search function is a quick and easy way to do so. Plus, it can search through your entire computer, not just your C Drive.

With this helpful tip, you’ll be able to easily find and organize all of your video files on your Windows 10 system.