How to Rewind Twitch Streams: A Cool Feature You Might Not Know About

To do that, you will hit the “movie” icon on the lower right-hand side of the stream . You will be redirected to a page where you can browse through 1 minute and 25 seconds of the previous footage (the second you click the icon being the last second you have access to).

Have you ever missed a moment in a Twitch livestream and wished you could just hit the rewind button? Well, you might be in luck. A recent feature on Twitch allows viewers to rewind livestreams by up to two minutes.

The feature isn’t available to everyone just yet, but if you do have it, it’s definitely worth checking out. To use it, simply click the “Rewind” button at the bottom of the screen and you’ll be able to jump back two minutes. This effectively turns the livestream into a VOD, allowing you to go all the way back to the beginning if you wish.

This feature is currently only available on desktop and not on mobile, but it’s still a really cool addition to the Twitch experience. In addition to the rewind button, there’s also a “Watch Trailer” button that allows you to watch a streamer’s channel trailer without leaving the live video.

It’s interesting to note that not many people seem to know about this feature yet. The creator of a recent Twitch video was excited to share the news because they hadn’t seen anyone else talking about it. They suspect that only a select number of people have access to the feature at the moment.

Whether you’re a regular Twitch viewer or just getting started, keep an eye out for this cool feature and be sure to take advantage of it if you have access to it. Happy rewinding!


How do I rewind an active stream on Twitch?
To rewind a Twitch stream, create a clip of the moment you wish to watch again after the video has ended. Whenever a video is streamed, its icon appears on the lower-right edge of the screen. After hitting this icon, a new page will open up. You can see the previous minute and a half of your stream here.
Can you go back and watch old streams on Twitch?
To see previous broadcasts or VODs on Twitch, start by going to the channel that orignally posted the content. Then scroll down and select the “Videos” option, located next to the schedule. Now scroll all the way down to the “Recent Broadcasts” header and you'll find a list of all of that channels' old Twitch streams.
Can you rewatch a live stream?
Find and watch live stream replays Once a live stream is over, a channel may post highlights or a replay of the stream on their channel. Highlights and replays show up as videos on their channel. The channel may choose to show a replay of the live chat too.