How to Reverse Audio in Logic Pro X: 3 Simple Methods

In Logic Pro X, reversing audio can add a unique touch to your music production. In this tutorial, we will discuss three ways to reverse audio in Logic Pro X.

Method 1: Reversing the Entire Audio File

The first way is to select the audio file that you want to reverse and click on the “File” tab in the editor. Then, select “Functions” and click on “Reverse,” or use the key command “Control Shift R.” This method will reverse the entire audio file, including all regions.

Method 2: Bouncing the Audio File

The second method involves bouncing the audio file into a separate file, muting the original region, and reversing the bounced file. This method only reverses the bounced file, leaving the original file untouched.

Method 3: Reversing a Specific Region

The third and preferred method is to select the specific region that you want to reverse, go to the “Inspector” window, and click on “More.” Then, click on the “Reverse” option to reverse the selected region. This method only reverses the selected region, leaving the rest of the audio file untouched.

In conclusion, reversing audio in Logic Pro X is a simple process that can add a unique touch to your music. By using one of the three methods discussed above, you can easily reverse audio files or specific regions to create the desired effect.