How to Replace Words in Excel: A Step-by-Step Guide

Working in Excel can be a smooth and easy experience, but sometimes you need to make changes to the spreadsheet. One such change could involve replacing certain words with other words. This could be due to various reasons, such as wanting to express something better or for uniformity. In this article, we will look at how to replace words in Excel using a simple step-by-step guide.

Let’s consider an example where we have a column F with “sex” as male and female, which we want to replace with “men” and “women,” respectively. You don’t need to have the cell or column highlighted on the spreadsheet to replace the word. Follow these steps to replace the words:

Step 1: Click on “Find and Select” on the toolbar.

Step 2: Select “Replace” from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Type the word you want to replace in the “Find what” row. In our example, we will replace the word “female” first.

Step 4: In the “Replace with” row, type the word you want to replace it with. In our example, we will replace it with “women.”

Step 5: Click on the “Replace all” button to replace all occurrences of the word “female” with “women.” You should see the word “women” appear in the column F where “female” was previously mentioned.

Step 6: Repeat the same process for the word “male.” Type “male” in the “Find what” row and “men” in the “Replace with” row. Click on “Replace all,” and all occurrences of the word “male” will be replaced with “men.”

Step 7 (optional): If you want to replace all instances of a word throughout the entire document, click on “Find,” followed by “Find all.” You can then make the changes manually.

That’s it! By following these steps, you can replace words in Excel easily and efficiently. Whether you’re looking for a change of expression or uniformity, this guide has got you covered.