How to Remove PLA Supports: Tips and Tools

3D printing is an amazing technology that has opened up a whole world of possibilities for makers and creators. However, after printing a model, you may still need to remove some supports that were automatically generated by the slicer software, especially if you’re using PLA filament. In this article, we’ll explore the tools and techniques you can use to remove PLA supports and achieve a clean surface finish on your 3D prints.

First, it’s important to note that not all models require supports. If you’re lucky enough to have printed a model that doesn’t need supports, then you can skip this step and move on to post-processing. But for models that do require supports, you’ll need some tools to remove them effectively.

One essential tool is a pair of pliers with side cutters. This will allow you to cut the supports easily and with precision. You’ll also need some files that come in different shapes and sizes to ensure your support removal is as good as possible. Additionally, a spatula may come in handy, but be cautious when using it as it may damage your 3D print.

When removing supports, make sure you’re working in a clean environment and wearing gloves if possible. Start by removing the parts that are the easiest to remove, and be careful not to break off anything else that is needed. It may be time-consuming, but with patience, you’ll be able to remove all the supports.

If you’re having trouble removing some of the support material, use a very thin file to get it out of the small areas. After removing the supports, use the files again to clean up the smaller, smoother edges.

It’s also worth noting that slicer software like Cura has support roof and support filament settings that create an extra layer that is easy to remove without leaving any imprints on your clean surface.

In summary, removing supports can be a tedious process but with the right tools and techniques, you can achieve a clean surface finish on your 3D prints. Always make sure to work in a clean environment, wear gloves, and use caution when removing supports. With practice, you’ll become more confident and efficient in removing supports, making your 3D printing process smoother and more enjoyable.