How to Reference a Different Sheet in Google Sheets

If you have your data scattered across multiple sheets within the same file or on a different file altogether, you might want to bring all of the data into a single sheet for easier analysis. In this article, we will guide you through three methods of linking or referencing multiple Google Sheets to bring data together.

Let’s say you have a table for product prices by year, and you want to bring over the prices for 2020, 2021, and 2022 from different sheets. The prices for the first two years are in a separate sheet within the same file, while the prices for 2022 are in a separate sheet in a different file.

The first method is to use a simple formula that starts with equals and then enters the sheet name and cell number. For example, if you want to bring over the prices for 2020, you would enter “=2020 to 2021 prices!C3” and press enter. Then, you can use the suggested autofill to bring all of the data into the cells.

The second method is to use a hyperlink to link a cell range into your sheet. This is useful for large data sets where you can link cell ranges in a single cell, and when you click on it, it takes you to that specific range and shows you the data. To do this, click on the cell where you want to create the hyperlink, click on “Insert,” then click on “Link.” Select a range of cells, go to the sheet where the data is located and select the cell range. Click “OK,” and every time you click on the link, it will take you to the highlighted data in the other sheet.

The third method is to use the import range formula, which brings over data from a different file altogether. This formula requires the spreadsheet URL and the range string. Copy the spreadsheet URL from the address bar in your browser, then enter the URL and quotes in this formula, add a comma, and then enter the cell range. For example, if you want to bring over the prices for 2022, you would enter “=importrange(“spreadsheet URL”,”Sheet1!E3:E14″)” and press enter.

These are the three methods of linking or referencing multiple Google Sheets to bring data together. By using these methods, you can easily analyze your data and make informed decisions.


How do I reference different sheets in Google Sheets?
Get data from other sheets in your spreadsheet Type = followed by the sheet name, an exclamation point, and the cell being copied. For example, =Sheet1! A1 or ='Sheet number two'! B4 .
How do I pull data from one Google spreadsheet to another?
Open the spreadsheet containing the data you want to import. ... Click on the tab you want to import the data to. ... Choose an empty cell and type in the “=“ sign. ... Click on the tab with the data you want and select the first cell you want to import.More items...•
How do you link sheets in Google Sheets?
How do I link one spreadsheet to another in Google Sheets? To link data from one data range in a separate spreadsheet into another spreadsheet is via hyperlinks. Select the cell where you want your imported data to live, select Insert, then Insert Link Data from the menu.
How do I reference another sheet in conditional formatting in Google Sheets?
Select the cell you want to format.Click on "Format" in the navigation bar, then select "Conditional Formatting."Under "Format Rules," select "Custom formula is."Write your formula, then click "Done."Confirm your rule has been applied and check the cell.