How to Record Songs on CD in 2020: Step-by-Step Guide

Burning CDs may seem like an outdated practice, but it’s still a popular way to create a mix of songs for a road trip or to share with friends. If you’re still burning CDs, this step-by-step guide will show you how to do it in 2020.

The first thing you’ll need is a CD burner. While many laptops and desktops have this built-in, some don’t, so you may need to purchase an external one. They are relatively inexpensive, and you can find good options for around $30 on Amazon.

Once you have your CD burner, you’ll need a blank CD to burn your music onto. Verbatim discs are a reliable brand, and you can find a link to them in the description below.

With your tools in hand, it’s time to get started. Insert your blank CD into your computer’s CD drive and open the folder that contains the music you want to burn onto the CD. In this case, the folder is called “songs,” and it contains MP3 files.

Next, open Windows Media Player by typing it into the search bar in the bottom left-hand corner of your screen. Click on the “burn” tab, then drag and drop the MP3 files from the folder into the burn list.

Before you start the burn process, click on the “burn options” drop-down menu and make sure that you’re burning an audio CD, not a data CD or DVD. Burning a data CD or DVD may not work in your car or home stereo system, so it’s best to stick with an audio CD.

Once you’ve confirmed that you’re burning an audio CD, click “start burn.” You’ll see a list of all the songs that will be burned onto the CD, along with the progress of each song. Once the process is complete, eject the CD, and you’re done!

Now you can use your newly created CD wherever you like. It’s perfect for road trips, sharing with friends, or for any other occasion where you want a mix of your favorite songs.

Overall, this guide should make burning a CD a simple and straightforward process for anyone looking to make their own mix of songs.