How to Record a Radio Show off the Internet

Are you a radio host looking to expand your audience? Or maybe you just want to have a recording of your shows for personal use. Whatever the reason, recording your radio show off the internet is a great way to keep your content available for listeners who may have missed it. In this post, we’ll show you how to do just that using Audacity, a free recording software.

To get started, download Audacity from the Audacity team website. Once installed, open up Audacity and select your microphone if you want to only record your voice. If you want to record both your voice and your computer’s audio, follow the guides on how to set up Soundflower for Mac or Stereo Mix for Windows.

Next, open up your broadcasting software. In this example, we’re using Nicecast. Select the source as either your microphone or system audio, depending on what you want to capture. When you’re ready to record, click the red button in Audacity.

When your show is finished, click the stop button in Audacity. Save your recorded audio by selecting “File,” then “Export Audio.” Add your file name, choose MP3 as the file type, and click “Save.” Enter your show’s details, including the artist, title, and year, which is known as metadata. Then, continue to export your audio as an MP3 track. Audacity needs a decoder known as LAME to do this.

Finally, confirm to export your show. It should now be ready to upload to your radio station. If you’re using, simply drag your file onto your browser and then schedule it to broadcast. is a platform dedicated to live internet radio sessions. It allows you to run everything from an easy-to-use dashboard in the cloud, and their team of radio experts are always on hand to answer any questions you may have. If you’re interested in trying, you can sign up for a free 7-day trial by heading over to try

Recording your radio show off the internet is a great way to keep your content available for listeners who may have missed it. With Audacity and a little bit of know-how, you can easily create recordings of your show and upload them to your radio station.