How to Quote in WhatsApp on Android: Replying to Individual Messages

It’s kind of funny when people are in WhatsApp groups and they don’t even know how to reply to an individual message in WhatsApp. A lot of people out there don’t know that you can actually do this in WhatsApp. It’s not really recent but it’s not that old either. It wasn’t a feature that came with the original WhatsApp so this was recently added, maybe about a year ago. If you want to know how you could reply to an individual message or a specific message, this post is for you.

So, you choose the line that you want to reply to. Let’s say you want to reply to “Have a wonderful day xoxo.” You hold on your screen for a few seconds and any kind of lights up. When you let go of your screen, the highlight doesn’t go away because of the highlighter. You just highlighted that line. At the top, you only see two arrows appearing. There’s an arrow to the left and an arrow to the right. What you want to select is the arrow to the left.

When you select the arrow to the left, at the bottom here, where you usually type, you’ll see “Tamesha Cinmarc: Have a wonderful day.” So, you are replying to this. This is an example. You’re going to send the message and that’s how you do it.

Thanks for reading this post. If you want to learn more about how to use WhatsApp, check out my playlist of WhatsApp tutorials. I’ll see you next time!