How to Play Protect the President: A Fun Game for Large or Small Groups

Protect the President is an exciting game that can be played with large or small groups, indoors or out. It doesn’t matter how many people play, but it’s best when played in groups of 10 or less, so larger groups may want to split up.

To start the game, all the players should form a circle. Choose one player to be the first president and one player to be the first bodyguard. The bodyguard should take their place inside the circle, with the bodyguard in a position of protecting the president.

Determine a specific time for game play. The players outside the circle will try to hit the president with the ball, while the bodyguard does all he or she can to protect the president from getting hit. Players can choose to throw the ball toward the president or they can throw the ball to other players who might have a better angle at the president.

If the ball touches the president, he or she will then be out and must find a place in the circle. The bodyguard becomes the new president, and the person who last touched the ball or hit the president with the ball becomes the new bodyguard. Play continues until time is up or when everyone has had their turn inside the circle.

You can make the game more challenging by adding two balls to the circle. If you have a large group of people and you choose to divide up into smaller groups, consider a competition between the two groups. You could set a time limit and see who gets the most presidents out before time is up.

As with any activity, safety is the most important thing to keep in mind. Before beginning to play the game Protect the President, take the following safety check into consideration:

– Make sure the playing area is clear of any hazards.

– Make sure everyone knows the rules and understands how to play safely.

– Choose a ball that is soft and won’t hurt players if they get hit.

– Make sure players are not throwing the ball too hard or aiming for anyone’s face.

Now that you know how to play Protect the President, gather the group and have some fun!