How to Play DOS Games: A Guide to Dose

Dose is a card game that has been around for over 30 years. It was created by Uno inventor Merle Robbins and is played with a standard deck of cards. The object of the game is to be the first player to score 200 points by getting rid of all the cards in your hand. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to play DOS games, step by step.

To start, pick a player to deal and shuffle the deck. Each player should be dealt seven cards, which they should look at but keep hidden from their opponents. Place the deck face down on the table, and flip over the top two cards, called the center row.

The player to the left of the dealer goes first, and play proceeds clockwise. On your turn, you must either match one or both cards in the center row or draw a card from the draw pile. To match a single number, play a card from your hand that has the same number value as one of the cards in the center row. If this card also happens to have the same color as the card in the center row, then at the end of your turn, place one card from your hand face-up, adding it to the center row.

To match a double number, play two cards from your hand that add up to the total of one of the center row cards, placing both cards on top of it. If both cards happen to have the same color as the center row card, then at the end of your turn, place one card from your hand face up onto the table, adding it to the center row. Then, every other player draws one card from the draw pile.

After you play a match on the center row card, you are allowed to play again on another center row card that hasn’t already been played on this turn. If you cannot or do not want to make a match, you must draw one card. If you now can make a match and would like to, you may do so. If you don’t play a card, lay one card face up in the center row to end your turn.

Discard all the piles of cards in the center row that have more than one card on them. Single cards stay. If there are now fewer than two center row cards, flip over cards from the draw pile into the center row until there are two. Finally, if you scored any colored bonuses, place those cards in the center row.

There are two special cards in the game: the wild DOS card and the wild number symbol card. The wild DOS card counts as two of any color, and you decide what its color is when you play it. The wild number symbol card counts as any number from 1 to 10 in that card’s color, and you decide what its number is when you play it. If either wild card is face-up in the center row, then you decide what color or number it is when you match to it.

Whenever you have exactly two cards in your hand, you must say “DOS,” meaning two. If you don’t, and another player catches you, you must immediately draw two cards unless it is currently your turn. Then, you must wait until the end of your turn to draw the two cards.

The first player to get rid of all the cards in their hand ends the round. Apply any double matching color bonuses, then score points. The player that went out earns points based on all the remaining cards in other players’ hands. Number cards 1 and 3 through 10 are worth their face value, while DOS is worth 20 points, and each wild number symbol is worth 40 points. If no player has 200 points or more, gather up all the cards, shuffle, and play another round, with the winner of the previous round dealing the next. The first player to get 200 or more points wins.

In conclusion, DOS is a fun and challenging card game that is easy to learn but difficult to master. It’s a great game to play with family and friends, and it’s sure to provide hours of entertainment. So pick up a deck of cards and start playing DOS today!