How to Partition a Mac Hard Drive

Partitioning a hard drive is not as common in Mac as it is in Windows or Linux, but it can still be done. If you have added a new hard drive that has not been initialized or partitioned yet, you can use the Disk Utility tool to accomplish this task.

To open Disk Utility, you can use the spotlight and type in “disk” or go to Finder, then to Applications, Utilities, and Disk Utility, and open it from there. Once you have opened Disk Utility, you can see the Mac OS installation drive, which is the one the system is currently running on. In addition, you can see the hard drive that you want to partition, which will be shown as uninitialized.

To initialize the drive, you need to select it and go to Edit and Erase. This will give you the option to erase the drive and install the file system. Mac OS journaled is the recommended file system for this case. Once you have clicked Erase, the drive will be partitioned and formatted.

You can also change the partition table if you want to create more than one partition on the same drive. To do this, select the drive and click the Partition button. Then, you can add a new partition and use the slider to adjust the size of each partition.

Once you have partitioned the drive, you can see the new partitions in the Finder under Devices. You can open each partition separately and use them as individual devices.

In summary, partitioning a hard drive in Mac can be done through the Disk Utility tool. You can initialize, erase, and format the drive, as well as create multiple partitions on the same drive. While it may not be as common as in other operating systems, partitioning can still be a useful tool to manage your storage space.