How to Open Facebook Lite on Your Android Mobile

Facebook Lite is a popular application for Android mobile devices that allows users to access the Facebook platform with a reduced data usage. However, sometimes users face issues opening the app, and it only shows a loading message with three dots. In this article, we will discuss how to fix this issue and open Facebook Lite smoothly.

Before we start, make sure to check if you have the latest version of the Lite app installed on your Android device. Once you update it, close your Google Play Store and open the Settings menu. Here, locate the “Apps” section and click to open it. You will see all the installed apps on your mobile, but you need to find the Facebook Lite application and click to open it.

Once you open the Facebook Lite app, click on “Permissions” and allow all the access permission. Unfortunately, if you do not give access permission, it will keep showing the loading message. Once you allow the access permission, go back one step and click on “Storage.” Here, you need to clear the entire app data by going to “Manage storage” and enabling all the options. Also, enable accounts and settings and click “Ok.” Then, press the “Clear” option and clear the app caches.

Once you complete these steps, close all the windows and restart your Android mobile. After the restarting process is completed, open your Google Play Store and search for the Facebook Lite application. Now, open the app and check if it is opening smoothly or not.

If this trick works for you, give it a thumbs up, and if you still face any issues, leave your valuable comments. For more tech videos, you can visit my tech channel “Theta Box.” Thank you for reading!