How to Name a Range in Excel 2013: Tips and Tricks

Create a named range from selected cells in a worksheet Select the range you want to name, including the row or column labels. Click Formulas >, Create from Selection. In the Create Names from Selection dialog box, select the checkbox (es) depending on the location of your row/column header. ... Click OK.

Excel is a powerful tool that can help you organize and analyze data in a variety of ways. With Excel 2013, you have access to a range of features that can help you work more efficiently with your worksheets. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and tricks that you can use to copy and move ranges around, select data, and copy an entire column into another column.

Firstly, let’s talk about how to copy and move ranges around in Excel 2013. If you want to copy a range of data, you can select the range you wish to copy and use the shortcuts on your keyboard, such as control X for cut, ctrl C for copy, and ctrl V for paste. However, if you ever select something in copy and you decide that you don’t want to paste anywhere, you can simply hit control D on your keyboard to deselect your current selection.

You can also drag and drop a selection of data to another area in your worksheet. To do this, move your mouse to the top left corner of the selection until you see the four directional arrows, then click and drag the selection to the desired location. This is a quick and modern way of moving data around.

If you need to copy an entire column into another column, you can use the fill option. Select the last empty column in your worksheet and navigate to the editing panel. Click on the fill option and choose the icon that takes the column to the left and puts it on one column. This is particularly useful when working with formulas.

Naming a range in Excel 2013 can also be helpful in organizing your data. To name a range, select the cells you want to include in the range, then navigate to the Formulas tab and choose Define Name. Type the name you want to give the range and click OK. You can then use this name in formulas and functions instead of selecting the range manually.

In conclusion, Excel 2013 offers a range of features that can help you work more efficiently with your worksheets. Understanding how to copy and move ranges around, select data, and copy an entire column into another column can help you save time and work more effectively. Additionally, naming ranges can help you organize your data and make it easier to work with in the future.


How do you add a name in Excel 2013?
Select the cell or range to name and then click the Name box and type the name. Press Enter to create the name. (You must press Enter to actually record the name, if you type a name and then click in the worksheet, Excel won't create the name.)
How do you name a range of cells?
Open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.Select the cells you want to name.Click Data. Named ranges. A menu will open on the right. ... Type the range name you want.To change the range, click Spreadsheet .Select a range in the spreadsheet or type the new range into the text box, then click Ok.Click Done.
How do I get Excel to recognize a named range?
Regarding a named range, the scope of a name is the location within which Excel recognizes the name without qualification. Excel recognizes a construct like 3+4= as a legitimate formula. Range names may begin with the caret (^) character. You cannot use a named range in a formula that references another worksheet.