How to Mute Threads on Twitter with Tweet Hunter

Writing a viral Twitter thread is not an easy task, but what if we told you that there is an effortless way to do this? In fact, you could even automate the process and repeat it over and over again. On top of that, it will likely only take you about 30 minutes per week, and you could do this weekly, monthly, and yearly to attract more customers, subscribers, and followers.

In this article, we will discuss the app that can help you achieve this and the exact process to go viral on Twitter repeatedly. The app we’re talking about here is Tweet Hunter.

One of the first things to look at in this application is the Daily Inspiration tab. An artificial intelligence engine generates tweets and threads that have done well on Twitter. You can even customize the feed based on your niche. For instance, if you are a writer, you can customize it for novelists and authors.

Once you find a tweet that interests you, click on the “Edit and Tweet” button to add your own touch to it. However, it’s important to note that you can’t plagiarize and copy someone else’s content. You can only use it as a starting point and adapt it to your needs.

Tweet Hunter also has a Thread Ideas tab where you can generate ideas for threads that could potentially go viral. Simply type a topic, and it will come up with reasons why you should write about it.

To ensure that your tweet has a higher chance of going viral, use the Tweet Predict Analysis feature. This feature measures the tweet’s potential to go viral based on various factors like engagement and previous viral tweets. The higher the analysis score, the better the chance of your tweet going viral.

Using Tweet Hunter and following the process outlined above can help you create viral Twitter posts and threads in no time. If you found this article helpful, make sure to share it with someone who could benefit from it. Don’t forget to give it a thumbs up and leave a comment below if you have any questions.