How to Move in Minecraft: A Beginner’s Guide

The following are the default settings: To move forward, press the “w” key. To move backward, press the “s” key. To strafe, or move sideways, to the left, press the “a.” To strafe to the right, the default key is “d.” To jump, press the spacebar.

If you’re new to Minecraft, you might be wondering how to move around and perform basic actions like walking, jumping, and sprinting. In this guide, we’ll cover the basics of moving in Minecraft and give you some tips for getting started.

To start walking in Minecraft, you’ll need to use the WASD keys on your keyboard. To move forward, press and hold the W key. To move backward, press and hold the S key. To move left, hold down the A key, and to move right, hold down the D key. These keys are the basics of moving around in Minecraft, and you’ll use them a lot.

If you want to run faster, you can sprint by rapidly tapping the W key twice. This will make you run faster than walking and can be useful when you’re trying to escape from danger or get somewhere quickly.

Jumping in Minecraft is simple – just press the spacebar to jump. You can jump forward, backward, left, or right, depending on which direction you want to go. You can also jump up to reach higher places or avoid obstacles.

Crouching is another useful action in Minecraft. If you want to crouch down and look at something without falling off a block, hold down the Shift key while walking up to the block. This will allow you to crouch and move around without falling.

If you want to look at yourself in Minecraft, you can press the F5 key to switch to third-person view. This will show you the back of your character. Press F5 again to switch to front view.

To access your inventory in Minecraft, press the E key. This will bring up your inventory screen, where you can see all of the items you have collected. You can also access your crafting table and armor slots from this screen.

Finally, if you want to throw an item from your inventory, you can press the Q key. You can also drag items from your inventory and move them around your hotbar by clicking and dragging.

That’s it for our beginner’s guide on how to move in Minecraft. With these basic tips, you should be able to navigate your way around the game world and start building your own creations. Happy exploring!


What are the controls in Minecraft?
Space - Jump.Double Tapping Space - Toggle fly mode in creative mode.Left Shift - Sneak.Left Control - Sprint.A - Strafe Left.D - Strafe Right.S - Walk Backward.W - Walk Forward.