How to Make YouTube Videos Upload Faster

Uploading YouTube videos can be an incredibly frustrating experience, especially when it takes forever to upload. The good news is, there are two main reasons why this happens and both can be solved. In this post, we’ll show you how.

The first reason why people struggle with uploading their videos is because their file size is too big. When you export your video from iMovie/Final Cut/Premier Pro, your video file will have a file size. The bigger the file size, the longer it takes to upload to YouTube. However, people often export in the wrong settings, making their file way too big when it doesn’t need to be. Thankfully, YouTube has recommended upload encoding settings that can save you hours of upload time.

To ensure your video is exported correctly, you want to ensure that it is exported as an .mp4 file and that your video codec is an H.265 file. This can save you a lot of file size while maintaining the quality of your video. Lastly, ensure that your project and export have the same frame rate as you recorded your video. Double-check the frame rate you recorded in before exporting, as exporting in a higher frame rate can double your file size.

The second reason why videos take forever to upload is slow internet speeds. To improve this, we have a few tips. Firstly, hardline a wire from your wifi router to your computer. If you’re using wireless internet to upload to YouTube, you can often get faster upload speeds by plugging your computer or laptop directly into your wifi router.

Another tip is to turn off the wifi on the other devices in the house. If other devices in the house are using wifi, it can slow down your internet speed. You want all of that speed to go directly to uploading your YouTube video. If you still want to use your phone, simply turn off the wifi and use data instead.

Lastly, don’t use wifi on your device while uploading. If you’re uploading on your computer but also watching a YouTube video, streaming music, or anything else that involves wifi, it will slow down your upload speed. Ensure that nothing else is happening on the wifi except for whatever you are uploading.

By following these steps, you can make uploading YouTube videos a less frustrating experience and get your videos out to your audience faster.