How to Make Your Task Manager Dark

Dark mode has become increasingly popular among users. It offers a sleek and modern look and is easier on the eyes, especially when you’re working in low-light conditions. Fortunately, you can also get your task manager in dark mode. This tutorial will show you how to do that.

First, go to your search bar and search for “Xbox gamer.” If you don’t have it, download it from the website mentioned in the description below. Once you have it, press Windows and G, and a menu will open up. Click on the following buttons on the menu: the first, fourth, fifth, and sixth. These are for monitoring your CPU, GPU, VRAM, RAM, and FPS. On the right side, you can see your resources like in the task manager. You can also close windows like in the task manager.

If you want to change the color of the text or progress, click here, and you can change the color to green, orange, red, white, etc. If you have a second monitor and want to see the menu all the time, click on the first and fourth buttons. Then, when you’re in-game or doing something else, press Windows and G, and the menu will open up.

For those who don’t have a second monitor, just leave it. When you’re in-game, press Windows and G, and the menu will open up. If you want to close it, press Windows and G again. If you’re in-game and want to see your CPU, GPU usage or FPS, this tip is helpful for you.

In summary, dark mode is a great option for those that want a sleek and modern look for their task manager. It’s easy to enable and allows you to monitor your CPU, GPU, VRAM, RAM, and FPS while in-game. Try it out, and enjoy the benefits of dark mode.