How to Make Your Blackberry Faster: 3 Quick Tips

If you’re a Blackberry user, you know the frustration of having a slow smartphone. But don’t worry, there are some quick and easy ways to speed up your device. In this blog post, we’ll show you three tips that you can use to make your Blackberry faster.

Clear Your Event Log

The first tip is to clear your event log. This log may be useful for some technicians, but for the average user, it’s pretty useless and slows your Blackberry down. To clear the event log, hold down the alt button and push LG LG. This will bring up your event log. Next, hit the menu button and scroll down to clear log. Finally, click delete to clear the log.

Close Active Applications

The second tip is to close any active applications. To do this, hold down the alt button and push the escape button. This will bring up all of the applications that you are currently using. Scroll to any application that you would like to close and hit the BlackBerry Menu button. Then, manually close it by hitting either exit or close.

Turn On Automatic Memory Cleaning

The third and final tip is to turn on automatic memory cleaning. Go to your settings or options, then security options, advanced security settings, and memory cleaning. By default, memory cleaning is not enabled. Check off enable to automatically clean your memory on a frequent basis. This will ensure that you are using up the least amount of your Blackberry’s memory as possible.

In conclusion, these three quick tips will help you make your Blackberry faster. Remember to consult your user manual if you can’t find something that we’ve mentioned. But for the most part, you should be able to find everything that we mentioned regardless of the Blackberry model or software that you are using. Thank you for reading!