How to Make Touch Screen Gloves

As the weather turns colder, it can be a challenge to stay connected while keeping your hands warm. Most gloves are not compatible with touchscreen devices, leaving you with frozen fingers or frozen communication. But why is this the case? Capacitive screens found on smartphones and tablets use electricity to sense your touch. When your skin, which can conduct electricity, touches the screen, it completes a circuit, and the device detects your finger. However, insulating cloth doesn’t conduct electricity nearly as well, which is why gloves don’t work with touch screens.

But fear not! There is a simple solution to this problem, and it’s called conductive thread. Conductive thread is thread that can carry an electrical current and can be found at most craft and hardware stores. With just a few materials, you can make your own touch screen gloves at home.

To make touch screen gloves, you will need a pair of gloves, a marker, a pin, a sewing needle, and some conductive thread. First, determine which parts of your fingers you use to interact with your phone. Typically, it’s the side of your thumb and the tip of your index finger. Put on the gloves and mark these areas with a small dot on the fabric. Stick a pin through the dot, and then turn the gloves inside out. Using the pin as a guide, thread the needle and start placing stitches on one of these spots until you’ve covered about a ΒΌ inch of space outside the glove. Make sure to leave longer pieces of thread on the inside of the glove, as that’s what will complete the circuit between your hand and the screen.

The best way to test the gloves is to flip them back and try them out. If they don’t work, try adding more stitches. But if they do, you’re all set! You can now use your phone without freezing your fingers off. Additionally, you can wrap the gloves up and give them as a homemade gift.

In conclusion, making your own touch screen gloves is a quick and easy DIY project that will keep you connected while keeping your hands warm. With just a few materials and a little bit of time, you can create personalized gloves that work with your touchscreen devices. So, go ahead and enjoy using your phone without worrying about the cold weather!