How to Make a Sticker on Snapchat Without Screenshotting

Snapchat is a popular app that allows you to share photos and videos with your friends in a fun and creative way. One of the features of Snapchat is the ability to take screenshots of photos and videos that your friends send you. However, what if you want to make a sticker on Snapchat without taking a screenshot? Well, we have the solution for you!

First, you need to open the Snapchat app and go to the person’s snap that you want to make a sticker of. Once you have that snap open, tap on the three dots at the top right corner of the screen and then choose “Remix Snap”. This will give you a new screen where you can take a photo of the snap you want to make a sticker of.

When taking the photo, make sure to tilt your phone in a way that avoids any light that might ruin the photo. You can also change the view of the photo to your liking before taking the photo. Once you have taken the photo, you can edit it with filters or add text if you want.

Now, here’s the trick. Instead of taking a screenshot of the snap, take a screenshot of the photo you just took. You can take as many screenshots as you want without any notification being sent to your friend that you took a screenshot.

If you want to crop the photo, you can do that too! Just select the crop feature and crop the photo as you wish. Now you have a sticker of your friend’s snap without having to take a screenshot!

In conclusion, if you want to make a sticker on Snapchat without taking a screenshot, follow these steps: Open the snap, tap on the three dots, select “Remix Snap”, take a photo of the snap, edit it if you want, take a screenshot of the photo, and crop it if you need to. With these steps, you’ll have a cool sticker to use on Snapchat without your friend ever knowing you took a screenshot!