How to Make a Professional Logo in GIMP

Creating a logo can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and techniques, it can be a fun and rewarding experience. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how to create a professional logo using GIMP, an open-source image editing program.

First, we’ll start by creating a new file with a white background and adding a transparent layer. We’ll then add guides to mark the center of the canvas and the shapes we’ll be creating. The logo we’ll be creating is made up of a series of shapes and layers.

Our first step will be to create a circle using the ellipse tool. After making sure it’s perfect by pressing shift, we’ll edit and stroke the shape, then select none. Next, we’ll add a rectangle tool and use two of them to create the ribbon shape we’re looking for. We’ll rename the layers and then add the other shapes we’ll be using to connect the two rectangular shapes.

To create the next section of the logo, we’ll use the paths tool to create a layer and a triangle, then close off the path and stroke it. We’ll then duplicate the layer, use the flip tool, and merge the two layers. Finally, we’ll delete the lines we’re not using in this section.

After completing the shapes, we’ll use the bucket tool to fill in the front rectangle and circle arrow. We can’t fill in the other sections unless we merge the layers. Once we’ve completed the logo, we’ll create a path for the text to follow and add our text, making adjustments to the font size and thickness until it looks perfect.

We’ll repeat this process with the next word, then remove the visibility from the text layer and move the transferring layer to the top. We’ll fill in the path and remove the path visibility. We can also make adjustments to our text using the scale or rotation tools.

After removing the guides, we’ll add a drop shadow effect and vector icons. Once everything is as per our requirements, we’ll export the logo. We can use black and white or add color for a more vibrant logo.

Creating a logo in GIMP can be fun and easy with the right tools and techniques. Take your time with your design and make sure it looks perfect. With these steps, you’ll be able to create a professional logo for your business or brand.