How to Lower CPU Usage in Windows 10: Tips and Tricks

If you are using Windows 10 and experiencing 100% CPU usage, it can slow down your computer and reduce its performance. Luckily, there are several methods to resolve this problem and optimize your system. Here are some tips and tricks to lower your CPU usage in Windows 10.

Firstly, it is important to create a restore point before making any changes to your system. This way, you can revert back to your previous settings if anything goes wrong. To create a restore point, go to the search bar and type ‘create a restore point.’ Open it and select the C drive, then click on ‘config’ and make sure that system protection is turned on. Click ‘apply’ and then ‘ok.’ Now, click on ‘create’ and name it whatever you wish. It will take a few seconds to complete, and you can use this to revert all changes if necessary.

Next, disable unnecessary startup programs by opening the Task Manager and going to ‘startup.’ Disable all programs that you do not need, but be careful not to disable Vanguard if you play Valorant. Also, turn off background apps by going to ‘settings,’ then clicking on ‘privacy’ and scrolling to ‘background apps.’ Simply turn off all the background apps to reduce CPU usage.

Updating Windows can often resolve mysterious problems with your system, including high CPU usage. Check if you are up to date by going into the update and security section of the Windows settings app. You can check for new updates and install them if they are available.

Disabling Windows 10 animations can also help reduce system usage. To do this, go to ‘This PC,’ right-click, and go to ‘properties.’ Now, go to ‘advanced system settings’ and under ‘advanced,’ click on ‘settings.’ Change it to ‘custom,’ then check two options: first, ‘show thumbnails instead of icon,’ and second, ‘smooth edges of screen fonts.’ Hit apply and then ok to disable animations.

To further reduce CPU usage, click windows key + R on your keyboard and type ‘msconfig’ and hit enter. Click on ‘boot’ and go to advanced options, then check the number of processors and set it to max. Next, disable services by pressing the windows key + R and entering ‘services.msc.’ Disable superfetch or sysmain service and windows search service by selecting them and going to ‘properties’ and then selecting ‘disabled’ under startup type.

End any unnecessary programs running in the background by opening the task manager and finding them.

Create a new power plan by going to the battery icon, right-clicking, and then clicking on ‘power option.’ Click on ‘create a new power plan’ and set it to high performance. Save this plan as whatever you wish, then click on ‘next’ and ‘create.’ Click on ‘change plan settings,’ then ‘advance power settings,’ and expand ‘processor power management.’ Set the maximum processor state to 99 in both plugged in and on battery, and make sure the system cooling policy is active.

Install Park Control and set it to high performance and enable all the options, then set them to 100.

Lastly, cleaning your system’s fans can help fix many problems, as regularly cleaning dust out of the fan vents can help protect the system from overheating and causing permanent damage to the computer’s internal parts.

If none of the above steps work, you can reinstall the new Windows or reset your PC. We hope these tips and tricks help you lower your CPU usage in Windows 10. If you have any questions or suggestions, please leave them in the comment section or reach out to us on Instagram.