How to Listen to Radio on iPhone without Using Data

After you activate FM only mode in the NextRadio app, you're ready to listen to local FM radio on your phone without using your data plan. To accomplish this, you'll need wired headphones or earbuds . Wireless headphones won't work because the phone needs to use the wires as an antenna.

If you have switched from an Android phone to an iPhone, you may have noticed that the FM radio feature is not available on iPhones. There are a few reasons for this.

Before the iPhone 7, Apple used to include FM radio tuners in their phones. However, this was not a deliberate choice. The combination Wi-Fi/Bluetooth chipset used in iPhones was purchased from Broadcom instead of being designed by Apple themselves. The manufacturer included a radio tuner in the chipset by default, so it was cheaper for Apple to simply leave it in.

Despite early iPhones having this tuner, its support was dependent on Apple. They needed to install the FM circuitry to make the tuner work. Based on iOS device circuit diagrams, it has been confirmed that the circuitry was never added.

Why not? Apple could have easily activated the iPhone’s FM tuner and allowed for radio. However, their decision not to demonstrates Apple’s choosiness when adding features to their products. They don’t ask if something can be done, instead they ask why it should be done.

That question is what led to radio being left out of all iOS products. Apple felt the user experience of FM radio didn’t meet their standards. For example, the availability of radio stations depended on where the user was located. If they had a favorite station in their hometown, they’d lose access to it when traveling to a different city. Not to mention the unreliable reception while in rural areas.

Furthermore, the average sound quality through radio is 128 kilobits per second. This is half as good as Apple Music’s 256 kilobits per second. Finally, radio stations have lengthy ad breaks that Apple doesn’t like since they aren’t getting a cut, and users don’t like since they just want to hear music.

FM radio didn’t make sense to Apple, who not only left the FM tuners in early iPhones inactive, but got rid of them completely starting with the iPhone 7. However, if you still want to listen to radio on your iPhone without using data, there are other options available.

One option is to use a radio app that does not require an internet connection. There are many radio apps available in the App Store that allow you to listen to your favorite radio stations without using any data. Some of these apps even allow you to record and save your favorite shows to listen to later.

Another option is to use an FM radio receiver that plugs into your iPhone’s lightning port. These devices allow you to listen to FM radio without using any data or internet connection. They are compact and easy to use, making them a great option for those who love listening to radio on the go.

In conclusion, while Apple may not have included an FM radio feature on iPhones, there are still ways to listen to radio on your iPhone without using data. By using a radio app or an FM radio receiver, you can continue to enjoy your favorite radio stations on your iPhone.


Is there an app to listen to radio without data?
Radio FM is a great alternative to NextRadio, albeit one that requires WiFi. If you're having trouble getting your phone to work properly with your FM radio, we suggest taking a look at Radio FM. From its clean interface to its wide variety of settings and stations, it's one of the best ways to stream music online.
Does iPhone have built in FM radio?
Apple iPhones don't ship with FM Radio Unlike Android smartphones, iPhones do not have FM Radio chips built in.