How to Increase Font Size in Google on iPhone

If you’re an iPhone user running iOS version 13.3 and you’re struggling to read the text on a web page in Safari, you’ll be happy to know that it’s possible to adjust the font size. In this tutorial, we’ll show you how.

First, open your iPhone’s Settings app and navigate to the “General” tab. Under “About,” you’ll see your iOS version listed. Make sure you have version 13.3 or later.

Next, open your Safari web browser and type in the address of the website or web page you want to view. Once it’s loaded, scroll to the top of the page and look for a small “a” and a big “A” icon. Tap on the “A” icon to access the font size options.

By default, the font size is set to 100%. To increase the font size, tap on the big “A” icon. You can tap it multiple times to continue increasing the font size up to a maximum of 300%. If you want to decrease the font size, tap on the smaller “a” icon. You can continue tapping it to decrease the font size down to a minimum of 50%.

Once you’ve adjusted the font size to your liking, tap on the small “a” and big “A” icon again to close the menu. That’s it! Now you can easily read the text on any web page in Safari on your iPhone.

We hope you found this tutorial helpful. If you have any other questions about using your iPhone, feel free to check out our other articles.