How to Increase C Drive Space in Windows 8

Are you struggling with a full C drive on your Windows 8 computer? Don’t worry, it’s a common problem, and there’s an easy solution. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to increase the size of your C drive without losing any data or using third-party programs.

Firstly, it’s important to note that if your C drive and D drive are on different physical drives, this tutorial won’t help you increase the size of your C drive. However, if they are on the same physical drive, follow along.

To begin, right-click on the Start button and select Disk Management from the list. In the program window, you’ll see your Drive C and Drive D. If your D drive has enough free space, you can transfer some of that space to your C drive.

Right-click on Drive D and select Shrink Volume. In this window, enter the required size of the compressible space. For example, you can allocate 100,000 megabytes (100 gigabytes) for your C drive. After shrinking Drive D, it will be divided into two parts. One part will contain your data, and the other part will have unallocated space.

Next, you need to create a new simple volume with the unallocated space. Right-click on the unallocated partition and select New Simple Volume. Assign a drive letter, follow the formatting settings, and finish the process.

Now, transfer all the necessary personal files from Drive D to the new volume you just created. After that, delete Drive D, which will turn it into an unallocated area. Right-click on Drive C and select Extend Volume. In the process of expanding the volume, you won’t lose any data.

After completing these steps, your C drive will have increased in size, and the red color indicating a full drive will no longer be present.

In conclusion, you can easily increase the size of your C drive in Windows 8 by following these steps. Remember to transfer all necessary files before deleting any drives to avoid data loss. Good luck!