How to Hum: A Vocal Coach’s Favorite Warm-Up

As a singer, warming up your voice is essential before any performance or practice. A great way to do so is by using the “m-hum” technique. Vocal coach Dylan shares some of his favorite ways to do this in order to warm up your voice.

The first way is simply by taking your tongue and placing it against the bottom lip, on top of the front teeth. From there, let out a little bit of air through your nose, about the same amount as you would if you were cleaning a mirror. You should feel a lovely resonance in your voice when doing this.

The second way is by sticking your tongue out just a little bit. This is especially useful if you tend to have tongue tension when singing higher notes. Be careful not to stick your tongue out too far, as this can cause tension in your mouth.

The third way is to hum with your tongue in the position it takes when you swallow. This means the tip of your tongue is on the bottom of your mouth, while the rest of it is pressed against the roof of your mouth. Again, let out a little bit of air through your nose while humming.

By using any of these techniques, you can effectively warm up your voice before singing. Remember to be gentle with yourself and not push too hard, as this can cause strain or injury to your vocal cords. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be humming your way to a perfect performance every time!