How to Hook up a Sega Genesis to a Roku TV

If you’re a Sega Genesis fan, you probably know how tricky it can be to connect it to a flat-screen TV. Traditionally, the Sega Genesis came with a cord that you had to hook into your TV. However, this cord doesn’t work with flat-screen TVs. This can be a bit frustrating if you’re a die-hard Sega Genesis fan.

Luckily, there’s a solution. You can use an AV cable to connect your Sega Genesis to your flat-screen TV. The brand you should look for is called Tommy, and it’s an AV cable that takes all of the hassle out of connecting your Sega Genesis to your TV.

Here’s how you can set it up:

First, plug the AV cable into the back of your Sega Genesis. Next, hook up the three cords to your TV. They should be yellow, red, and white. Make sure that you’re on the right source for your TV. You should be on AV rather than TV, which is a common mistake.

If you’re still having trouble, make sure that you’ve plugged the cords into the right ports on your TV. Once you’ve done that, you should be good to go!

Keep in mind that this AV cable is compatible with the Sega Genesis 2 and 3. If you have a Sega Genesis 1, you’ll need a different cord.

You can find the Tommy AV cable on Amazon for around $8-9 with free shipping. You may be able to find it on as well, but they only stock the cord for Sega Genesis 1.

Overall, if you’re struggling to hook up your Sega Genesis to your TV, the Tommy AV cable is a great solution. It’s affordable, easy to use, and it will allow you to enjoy your Sega Genesis games on a flat-screen TV.