How to Get Someone to Be Your Valentine

Valentine’s Day is coming up soon, and that means it’s time to start thinking about how to ask your crush to be your Valentine. It’s not always easy to work up the courage to ask someone out, especially if you’re a little bit older. But don’t worry – there are steps you can take to make the process a little bit easier.

Step 1: Assess Whether or Not Your Crush Likes You Back

Before you ask your crush to be your Valentine, it’s important to figure out whether or not they may actually like you back. Look for signs that they might be flirting with you or talking to you a lot. If you’re not sure, check out some of Caitlin’s other videos for tips on how to tell if your crush likes you.

Step 2: Make a Cute Gesture

Once you’ve figured out that your crush might be interested, it’s time to make a cute gesture to show them how you feel. But don’t go overboard – you don’t need to buy the biggest teddy bear filled with M&Ms in the history of the universe. Instead, keep it simple. Make them a card or write them a note, and then get them their favorite candy or sweet. Tie it up in a ribbon and put their name on it. You could also fill a baggie with conversation hearts or get them an orange Crush and put a note on it that says “I’m crushing on you.” The key is to make them feel special without pressuring them.

Step 3: Just Ask Them

Finally, it’s time to ask your crush to be your Valentine. Give them your little gift and ask them in person, or if you’re feeling too embarrassed, make it a part of the note. Remember, just because they say yes doesn’t mean they’ll be your boyfriend or girlfriend. But it’s a great way to show your crush that you like them and to take control of your love life.

So, what do you think? Will you ask your crush to be your Valentine this year? Don’t worry if you’re feeling scared – it’s natural to feel nervous when you’re asking someone out. But with a little bit of courage and a cute gesture, you might just get the answer you’re hoping for. Good luck!