How to Get Smudges Off MacBook Screen: A Step-by-Step Guide

If you own a MacBook, you know that keeping the Retina display clean can be a challenge. But fear not, cleaning your MacBook screen is easier than you might think. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get smudges off your MacBook screen using just two simple ingredients.

The first thing you’ll need is a soft cotton shirt. Make sure it is 100% cotton, as tissues or paper towels can leave a small residue on the screen. The next ingredient is water. Use room temperature water, as hot or cold water can damage the screen.

Avoid using cleaning products like Windex, as they can leave a residue behind and damage the coating around the whole screen, specifically on the edges. The peels around the screens are called stain gates and can make the screen look as though it is peeling off. If this happens, the only way to fix it is by replacing the entire screen.

To start cleaning, make sure your shirt is free of any lint or dust that could scratch the display. Spray a small amount of water onto the shirt and smudge it together to avoid spreading too much water, then start wiping off the smudges on the screen in an up-and-down motion. Don’t press too hard, as you don’t want to crack the LCD. Use the dry side of the shirt to dry the screen.

If you need to use another part of the shirt, flip it over and start on a new side. Don’t spray the water directly onto the screen, as it could damage the keyboard or other parts of the MacBook.

After cleaning, your MacBook screen should look clean and clear. Don’t use any cleaning chemicals or products, as they can damage the coating on the Retina display.

In conclusion, cleaning your MacBook Retina display is easy and quick. All you need is a soft cotton shirt and some water. Avoid using cleaning products like Windex and be sure not to spray water directly onto the screen. With these few easy steps, your MacBook screen will be smudge-free and looking like new.